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Thu Jan 05, 2017 6am - 9am 
Melford, Myra/The TentWhere the Two Worlds Touch
Where the Two Worlds Touch / Arabesque Jazz
Bennett-Johnston-Mezzacappa-RosalyThe Storm We See, The Sea We SawShipwreck 4 / Nobusiness Records
Murray, Allen, & CarringtonGeri-Rigged
Perfection / Motema Music

Henderson, JoeBlackMode for Joe / Blue Note
El'zabar, Kahil/Ritual TrioMiles' ModeAfrica N'da Blues / Delmark Records
Revolutionary Snake EnsembleRoohane
I Want That Sound! / Innova Recordings

Phil ParisotStaircase
Lingo / Oa2 Records
Wright, Aaron ImmanuelSomething MainstreamEleven Daughters / Origin Records
Favata, EnzoArmoniumAjò / Felmay

Jeff LibmanStrange Beauty
Strange Beauty / Cellar Live
Larry CorbanTrekian Logic
Corban Nation / Nabroc Records
Reser, Harry / Six Jumping JacksHorsesThe Six Jumping Jacks, Vol. 1 / Old Masters
Basie, Count & His OrchestraOh! Lady Be GoodCount Basie: 1939 / Classics
Hawkins, Erskine & His OrchestraAfter HoursErskine Hawkins: 1939-1940 / Classics

Ariel PocockAll The Things You Are
Touchstone / Justin Time Records, Inc.
Charlie Haden And The Liberation Music Orchestra Blue In Green
Time/Life / Impulse Records
Harris, StefonSunset and the MockingbirdAfrican Tarantella: Dances with Duke / Blue Note

McCann, LesDoin' That ThingHow's Your Mother? / 32 Jazz
Adrienne FenemorMoanin'
Mo' Pudding / Self
Donny MccaslinBeyond Now
Beyond Now / Motema Music
Tom HarrellState
Colors Of A Dream / Highnote
Washington, KamasiAskimThe Epic / Brainfeeder

David Friesen & Circle 3 TrioRainbow Song
Triple Exposure / Origin Records
Wayne ShorterMahjongJuju / Blue Note
Carlos GarnettEpitapher ZackerismUnder Nubian Skies / High Note

James's, David GpsWag The Puppy
Billionaire Blues / Self
Melford, Myra / Be BreadKnocking From The Inside
Whole Tree Gone, The / Firehouse 12