Young Fathers / Tape Two
Album: Tape Two   Collection:General
Artist:Young Fathers   Added:Jul 2013

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-07-28 Pull Date: 2013-09-29
Week Ending: Sep 15 Aug 4
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 16, 2016: The Intercept
Come To Life
4. Sep 12, 2013: second meeting
I Heard
2. Apr 16, 2015: A Visit Drum
Mr. Martyr
5. Aug 02, 2013: Belles & Dames
I Heard
3. Mar 12, 2015: A Visit From Drum
Mr. Martyr

Album Review
Reviewed 2013-07-29
Young Fathers
Tape Two
release date: June 11, 2013

Young Fathers is a Scottish trio, sounds like hip hop and alt rock with a dash of electronica. Tape Two is their second album. Their first was Tape One, released in 2012. Infectious group vocals interspersed with rapping, minimalist beats. Because there are three vocalists, each song is very interesting, featuring three different voices and occasional harmonies. Interesting, beautiful songs.

1.***3:43 I Heard. mid-tempo. emotional song. sounds more like indie pop than hip hop. begins with group chorus. at 1:50 turns into spoken (rap) vocals. then alternates between the two.
2. 2:45 Come to Life. strong beat with a hint of electronica. rap vocals with group chorus. energetic. FCC: fuck
3. ***2:02 Only Child. catchy song, begins with rich chorus, turns into rap over a simple drum beat. alternates back and forth from spoken vocal to singing chorus.
4. 2:42 Queen is Dead. energetic almost aggressive, brutal. background music sounds like an alarm, urgent. energetic vocals. at one point, repeats call and response “queen is dead” for several seconds.
5. 0:51 Bones. falsetto oooh’s for 51 seconds.
6. ***2:07 Freefalling. begins with vocals reminiscent of ben harper. steady drum beat with pleasant guitar strums. halfway through, the song picks up speed and spoken vocals begin interspersed with a recorded female voice. then goes back to the singing ben harper-like vocals while faster speed remains. mid-way through, a soft-spoken vocal countdown begins, song ends on “1”.
7. 3:04 Mr. Martyr. starts with soft singing chorus. rapping vocals soon begin. over an ambient, mellow tune. mesmerizing background vocals. FCC: bastard
8. 2:50 Way Down in the Hole. Starts slow with “ooh”’s. beginning sounds like higher-pitched Frank Ocean. Then 48 seconds in, turns cool and powerful and ominous with electronic beat and spoken/rap vocals. Then last 20 seconds changes drastically back into mellowed out singing.
9. ***3:35 Ebony Sky. Begins with rapping over strong beat, fast and punchy vocals. Then turns into singing. At 2:20, the vibe completely changes -- becomes elevated into a really vibrant, infectious chorus. Cool song, takes you on a ride.

Track Listing
1. I Heard   5. Bones
2. Come To Life   6. Freefalling
3. Only Child   7. Mr. Martyr
4. Queen Is Dead   8. Way Down In The Hole
  9. Ebony Sky