Coffin Torture / Dismal Planet
Album: Dismal Planet   Collection:General
Artist:Coffin Torture   Added:Feb 2018
Label:Sludgelord Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-02-23 Pull Date: 2018-04-27 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Apr 1 Mar 25 Mar 18 Mar 4 Feb 25
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 31, 2018: Hard and Heavy on the AM
Izhar, Bull Of Minos
4. Mar 03, 2018: Hard and Heavy on the AM
D.H.F, Gustave, Bolted Down, Boiled To Grease, Izhar, Bull Of Minos
2. Mar 21, 2018: Brownian Motion
Bolted Down, Boiled To Grease
5. Feb 28, 2018: Brownian Motion
3. Mar 14, 2018: Brownian Motion
Bolted Down, Boiled To Grease
6. Feb 24, 2018: Music Casserole
Bolted Down, Boiled To Grease

Album Review
Reviewed 2018-02-17
These South Carolina blokes take a more belligerent approach to stoner sludge -- if you could even call it that anymore. Here it's more about a timbre and a feeling than a chorus or hook. Expect massively downtuned guitars way ahead in the mix, straightforward pummeling drums, shreddy vocals just a little too blackened to make it at your local metal venue. Pain-to-melody ratio is about 80:20.

Choice cuts: 3, 4, 7

Genre: Sludge metal, "deathsludge," slamming your head against a wall
Friends: Electric Wizard, Celeste, Ufomammut, Acid Bath, Grief

1. (5:27) Swirling, almost-psychedelic looooow guitars, only semi-perceptible melody. Lyrical themes will get you in the mood for sure.
2. (3:04) Tribalistic beatdown toms, repetitive riffs, economical and tight.
3. (6:53) Classic huge fuzzy mega stoner guitar tone, but harder rocking than your average band with a marijuana pun in its name. Off-kilter melodies bookend slow doomy sections.
4. (4:14) GUUUSTAAAAAAAAVE! The formula really shines here with a slightly buffed up melody and scream-along one-word chorus. Badass finale.
5. (7:12) Pure beatdown. Maddeningly slow and grinding in parts. Occasional guitar trills our only refuge from the murk.
6. (7:15) More tempo variation and creativity in the percussion section. The dirge continues!
7. (7:38) More focus on lyricism and a bit of time signature switch-up. Kicking and screaming all the way to the end.

Track Listing
1. Bull Of Minos   4. Gustave
2. Izhar   5. D.H.F
3. Bolted Down, Boiled To Grease   6. Dismal Planet
  7. Trench Hog