Rodrigues, Virginia / Sol Negro
Album: Sol Negro   Collection:World
Artist:Rodrigues, Virginia   Added:Oct 1998

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 29, 2012: The Doldrummer
Goodbye, Dance Hall, Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon
4. Sep 04, 2012: Cacao!
Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon
2. Sep 22, 2012: Bouge Mood
Goodbye, Dance Hall, Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon
5. Feb 06, 2007: Global Warming at the Cafe Bohemian
Goodbye, Dance Hall
3. Sep 08, 2012: Bouge Mood
Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon
6. Sep 13, 2005: No Cover, No Minimum, No Friday
Goodbye, Dance Hall

Track Listing
1. Blackness of the Night   6. Stormy Night
2. Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon   7. Dry Land
3. Goodbye, Dance Hall   8. Nobility
4. Carnival Dawn   9. Black Sun
5. Veronica   10. Istafel