Block, Olivia / Mobius Fuse
Album: Mobius Fuse   Collection:Deep Storage 200705
Artist:Block, Olivia   Added:Oct 2001

Album Review
Kareem Ghanem
Reviewed 2002-08-04
Two tracks. One is a half-hour long. The other is three minutes long. Experimental electronic noise is the best way to describe it.
1. Essentially silent for the first seven minutes or so. Then there is some crackling, crickets whistling for a while. Around the 14:00, a droning electronic synthesizer starts. Around 21:00, you hear the sound of hail hitting the ground. Then some rain, then it goes silent. For the love of God, don’t play this track.
2. trumpet and saxophone intro with crickets chirping in the background. Very slow track. Oboes join in after a while. Sounds like a funeral song.

Track Listing
1. Mobius Fuse 1   2. Mobius Fuse 2