Agnel, Marchetti, Noetinger / Rouge Girls Bruit
Album: Rouge Girls Bruit   Collection:Deep Storage 200705
Artist:Agnel, Marchetti, Noetinger   Added:Mar 2002

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2002-05-09
"Rouge gris bruit" (or "red grey noise") very avant musique, improvised & sparse 1.starts very quiet, some rising tones, plucked stuff, gets a little denser but never fills in 2. the plink-o-rama continues some guitar around -5:30 was cool but didn't last- other nice noises pop up and disappear. 3.silent start, low thumps, electronic twiddles, feedback whines, I can see the audience sitting quietly with their hands folded and eyes closed being woken up once in a while and thinking "this would be good music to sleep to except for that part" some of it is pretty cool but it needs editing 4. half minute of slience 5.more of their noises, noisier but not better 6. ten seconds of silence 7.starts with a loud sound then back to plinks of instruments, fills in and fades out

Track Listing
1. Matin   3. Matin
2. Matin   4. Apres-Midi
  5. Epilouge