Hardman / Shirts & Pistols
Album: Shirts & Pistols   Collection:General
Artist:Hardman   Added:Aug 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-11-22 Pull Date: 2005-01-24
Week Ending: Dec 5 Nov 28
Airplays: 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 29, 2004: Dollar Bin
3. Nov 24, 2004: press and release
Sound of Satellites
2. Nov 26, 2004: BuyNothingDay
100 Years
4. Nov 24, 2004: Dross
Still Out Cold

Album Review
Guest DJ Account
Reviewed 2004-11-16
Shirts & Pistols is funky electro at it's finest. The great majority of the songs share the same themes: space synths, funky beats with psychedelic background bloops, but the group manages to stay fresh with different takes on the genre. There's a lot of crazy stuff on this album, but it has it's place, and I totally recommend this for the few that want to explore and check it out. 5, 8, and 17 are a few I liked, but the whole album rocks, generally.

1. Funky short with psychedelic vocals and crazy synth background
2. Slow, rhythmic beat with synth chimes and low distorted vocals
3. Pulsing beat with distorted electro chant to short acoustic with strange electro background At 1:10 switches to more mellow funk
4. Crazy funk synth with electro bleeps as background beat, low, distort vocals
5. *Faint spacey synth with hip beat. No vocals
6. FCC (maybe) Hip-hop esque beat with electro synth Vocals are pretty unrecognizable in this one. There's a few female sex moans towards the end. Not sure if that's 'obscene'
7. Hard, beat synth with electric guitar
8. *Mellow rhythmic beat with acoustic guitar and light vocals. Progressively dark
9. Guitar opening with immediate space synth + vocals. Slow, and mellow
10. Space synth that repeats with other instruments joining in, dark vocals then cut in with more synth BG
11. Boogie guitar riff with funky background sound and mellow lyrics
12. More faint space synths with funky background lots of crazy beats and synths in this one. No vocals.
13. Acoustic guitar with country esque feel opening with vocal chants to the rhythm. Speaking vocals erupt later with synths
14. Low synths to space funk melody
15. Bells and bass guitar with chant vocals joined with electric guitar
16. Guitar riff with low BG beat spacey synths interrupt in the middle
17. *Low space synths into a more mellow peaceful sound with guitar

Eric 'The' Ford

Track Listing
1. Latin Mutations   9. 50'S Fabric
2. My Lil Devil   10. Sound of Satellites
3. Grace   11. Boogie Down
4. Superheros   12. Smilin'
5. Beatbreak   13. Still Out Cold
6. Resolution   14. Kontiki
7. Geese   15. Shirts & Pistols
8. 100 Years   16. Shorty
  17. Cant Let It Slide