Goes Calypso / Mitt Liv Som Katt
Album: Mitt Liv Som Katt   Collection:General
Artist:Goes Calypso   Added:May 2010
Label:Life's Blood  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-11-28 Pull Date: 2011-01-30
Week Ending: Jan 16 Jan 9 Dec 12
Airplays: 2 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 15, 2011: My Little Pony Sub Show
Kom Narmare
4. Jan 05, 2011: Quebec Nordiques Move West!!
Ingen Angest
2. Jan 12, 2011: Getting Over the Hump aka Sunshine in the Morning aka Morning Glory
Ingen Angest
5. Dec 08, 2010: Brown In Motion
Ingen Angest
3. Jan 08, 2011: lost and found
Ingen Angest

Album Review
Reviewed 2010-11-22
Lots of drifting chords, which would be “nice” except for the buzzing and ringing and glitching effects applied; as it is, a decent noise improv album.

1. That is not your ears ringing – it’s this track’s constant theme
2. People speaking Swedish and a harmonica periodically breathed into
3. Bouncy light electronic bop, not unlike early Yellow Magic Orchestra
4. Getting a bit heavier and more interesting now, with nasty, noisy, jagged electronics playing a basically pretty chord progression
5. Eccentric pop ballad
6. Piano and voice, neither going anywhere in particular, merely drifting
7. A hybrid of track 3’s bouncy electro-pop and track 4’s more aggressive electronic effects
8. Guitar-based noise improv
9. Guitar noise improv picks up a dainty synth beat along the way
10. Sort of the culmination of it all – drift, glitch, buzz, shrill, churrrrgh

Track Listing
1. Mitt Liv Som Katt   6. If Life
2. Johannas Titanic   7. Ingen Angest
3. Kom Narmare   8. One Time I Died And You Ended Up A Mexican
4. Nar Jag Var Liten Och Lekte Kurragomma Var Spanningen Som Storst   9. Till Havs Du Gamla Du Fria
5. Man O' War   10. Vinka Fran Fonstret