Rale / Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them
Album: Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them   Collection:General 12"
Artist:Rale   Added:Sep 2011

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-05-05 Pull Date: 2012-07-08
Week Ending: Jun 17 Jun 10 Jun 3 May 13
Airplays: 2 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 15, 2012: Last Verses*
Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them
4. Jun 01, 2012: Lost Verses
Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them
2. Jun 13, 2012: The Sunset Life
Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them
5. May 30, 2012: maximum entropy
Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them
3. Jun 09, 2012: Catharsis: OUTLAW live in studio
Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them
6. May 11, 2012: Lost Verses
Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them

Album Review
eveningly infinitely wipes
Reviewed 2012-05-01
Rale Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them Isounderscore 33 RPM
FCC Clean
A Side: Is it teasing, is it over before it began, is this intelligent silence or am I just off the air?
False-ending-beginnings don't get much more suspenseful than this, and William Hutson does it
twice. Did he need to buff up his drone, give it more wash, more rolling scrapping? Could it sound
any more powerful than none other than Atlas, cradle of the world. Cinematic, field acoustic fanatic,
Hutson textures are immersive and cogent compositions. Contemplation Connection (kkup) type
material. Ambients will stick to this like flys to light. Subtle combination of a variety of elements,
makes this organic noise of excellence. 15:10
B Side: Rips speaker cone. This piece connotes more hidden pulse than green or heat view any
day. Night urban insectoids are coming, I hear earwigs hunt ears who like drone. Take me to
LA - to meet this pioneer Californian. Good for getting into this local history of experimental
sound, reminding me of the role of radio shows No Other Radio Network (kpfa) and Information
Overload (kalx). Noisy tone wash, clear the air-sound. False ending near end. 14:10

Track Listing
1. Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them   2. Some Kissed Charms That Would Not Protect Them