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Tue Aug 05, 2003 9am - noon 
Meshugga Beach PartyZum Gali Gali
Sixteen Songs of the Chosen / Halakahiki Records
KlezmaticsNy Psycho FreylekhsRhythm & Jews / Flying Fish
eyal selathere is speeddarma / magda
eyal selaethiopiansdarma / magda
Pharaoh's DaughterShnirele PereleOut of the Reeds / Knitting Factory, the
gerard ederymontanas altastreasures of world song / none
Natacha AtlasAdam's Lullaby
Something Dangerous / Mantra/Beggers Banquet
shevaakedaday and night / nmc
the moshav bandprayer (tfilah)return again / MB
NoaMillimeterBoth Sides of the Sea / Mondo Melodia
za'ataret dodimmizrah / self
adamaro-eh vero-ahsampler / gigz
Itzhak PerlmanReb Itzik's NignIn the Fiddler's House / Angel Records
andre ochodiomy dreamshalom, Yiddish Songs / radio gdansk
Marta Sebestyen & MuzsikasRepulj Madar Repulj
Unwired Europe / World Music Network
Les Yeux NoirsDanse Du Sabre
Live / World Village
mickey katzborscht riders in the skygreatest sticks / koch
barry sistersmaking whoopeekosher classics / rca
Mandy PatinkinBelzMamaloshen / Nonesuch
with every breathet dodimwith every breath / jam
Darriau, Matt/Paradox TrioTurkicSource / Knitting Factory, the
Yid ViciousLeben Zol PalestinaKlez, Kez, Goy Mit Fez / Uvulittle Records
the KlezmaticsBilvoviShvaygn=Toyt / Rounder Records
Abby RabinovitzFreylekhs and DoinaWe Used to Dance / Yamuna Records
Abby RabinovitzBalkan TapestryWe Used to Dance / Yamuna Records
Kaila FlexerMazel Tov
Next Village / Compass Records