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Thu May 28, 2020 8pm - 9pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
08:01 pm B/B/S/ Brick Brick Mask / Miasmah
08:12 pm Black Spirituals Treatment
Black Access / Black Axes / Sige
08:21 pm Alcorn / McPhee / Vandermark Invitation to a Dream Invitation to a Dream / Astral Spirits

08:32 pm Boxhead Ensemble Six Quartets / Atavistic
08:39 pm A Silver Mt. Zion 13 Angels Standing Guard 'Round the Side of Your Bed He Has Left Us Alone but Shafts of Light Sometimes... / Constellation
08:45 pm Emmanuel Holterbach & Blutwurst Ricercar Nell'ombra
Ricercar Nell'ombra / Another Timbre