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Wed Sep 06, 2006 10pm - midnight 
The Light FootworkThe Art of Everyday Communication Part IOne State Two State / self released
Centro-MaticTriggers And Trash Heaps (Album Version)
Triggers And Trash Heaps / Misra
The Long WintersBlue DiamondsWhen I Pretend to Fall / Barsuk
Las Savy FavAdoptionGo Forth / French Kiss
Pretty Girls Make GravesThe Magic HourElan Vital / Matador Records
RentalsPlease Let That Be YouREturn of the Rentals / -
the Flaming LipsDo You Realize??Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robos / Warner Brothers (Modern)
BeirutPostcards From Italy
Gulag Orkestar / Ba Da Bing!
Teenage Fan ClubMad Dog 20/20Dgc Rarities Vol. 1 / Geffen Records
John VandersliceUp Above the Sea
Cellar Door / Barsuk Records
The Mountain GoatsHalf Dead
Get Lonely / 4AD
Stefan Malkamus and the JicksFractions and FeelingsPig Lib / Matador
The Light FootworkMelville- / self released
The Long WintersSevenPutting the Days to Bed / Barsuk
Ted Leo and the PharmacistsBallad of the Sin EaterHearts of Oak / Lookout Records
DanielsonShip The Majestic SuffixShips / Secretly Canadian Records
the Soft DrugsDefending the Paintin moderation / self
Eric BachmannHomeTo the Races / Saddle Creek
Songs: OhiaLightning Risked It All
Ghost Tropic / Secretly Canadian Records
the Real Tuesday WeldOn Lavender Hill
Return of the Clerkenweld, the / Six Degrees Records
Elliott SmithRoman CandleRoman Candle / Cavity Search
Rachel'sFamily PortraitMusic for Egon Schiele / Quarterstick