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Fri Sep 20, 2002 3pm - 6pm 
El'zabar, Kahil TrioSong for a New South Africa
Love Outside of Dreams / Delmark Records
Brotzmann, Peter Chicago TenteBroken EnglishBroken English / Okka Disk
Sticks and StonesSons of SlavesSticks and Stones / 482 Music
33.3Quilted Giraffe33.3 / Aesthetics
the CosmosamaticsMingus Mangus
Cosmosamatics, the / Boxholder Records
Wolfgang FuchsVocal TransferBits and Pieces / Fmp Records
Oxley, Toney/B.I.M.P. QuartetBeam Line
Floating Phantoms / Fmp Records
Rich HalleyThe Serpent's ToothSaxaphone Animals / Nine Winds
Lane, Adam/Full Throttle OrcheGrape Ape Meets the Working Man
No(W) Music / Cadence Jazz
Few/Fefer/MorrisNostalgia in Times Square
Few and Far Between / Boxholder Records
the Left Coast Improv GroupRon's MeditationApril-May 2002 / Jimzeen Productions
Tom WaitsEverything You Can ThinkAlice / Anti Inc.
World Saxophone QuartetRa-Ta-TaSteppin' with the World Saxophone Quartet / Black Saint
Gold Sparkle BandSecond City Fugue (Answer)Fugues & Flowers / Squealer
Flaherty/Kelley/CorsanoBlood WhisperSannyasi / Wet Paint
Rivers, Sam TrioIrisFirestorm / Rivbea Sound Company
John ZornPremiere LivreDuras: Duchamp / Tzadik Records
Misterka, Seth/Misterka ClonesValentine's Day [excerpt]President's Day / Newsonic