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Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:30pm - 5pm 
WinoI Don't Care
Adrift / Volcom Entertainment
Alice CooperSchool's OutGreatest Hits / Warner Bros. Records
MotorheadStay CleanEverything Louder than Everyon / Bmg Distribution
Iron MaidenRunning FreeIron Maiden / EMI
Van HalenHot for Teacher1984 /
SaxonSixth Form GirlsStrong Arm of the Law /
Judas PriestYou've Got Another Thing Comin'Screaming For Vengeance / Columbia Records
Dead KennedysTerminal PreppiePlastic Surgery Disasters / Alternative Tentacles Records
Operation IvyThe CrowdOperation Ivy / Lookout Records
The AdvertsBored TeenagersCrossing the Red Sea /
Christ on ParadeTeach Your Children WellInsanity Is a Sane Reaction / Dogday Records
MDCI Hate WorkMillions of Dead Cops / R Radical
Overkill (LA)Burn the SchoolHell's Getting Hotter EP / SST
D.R.I.Yes Ma'amDealing with It / Metal Blade
Sins of the FleshSkip SchoolKnow Your Enemy EP /
AdolescentsWrecking CrewAdolescents / Frontier
Capitalist CasualtiesSchool ShootingPlanned Community / Six Weeks
The CrampsHigh School HellcatsJourney To The Center Of A Girl / Enigma Records
RamonesRock 'n' Roll High SchoolLoco Live / Sire Records (Modern)
Groovie GhouliesSchool Is OutRe-Animation Festival / Lookout Records
WinoSuzane's Song
Adrift / Volcom Entertainment
Loyce E Os GnomesEra Uma Nota De 50 Cruzeiros
Brazilian Guitar Fuzz Bananas / Tropicalia In Furs Records
The Petch Pin Thong BandSoul Lam Plearn
Sound Of Siam, The / Soundway Records
Wust El BaladShams El Nahar (Sun Of The Day)
Wust El Balad / Melody Music
Septeto NacionalEmbale Tiene La Llave
Sin Rumba No Hay Son! / World Village
Gaelic StormJust Ran Out Of Whiskey
Cabbage / Lost Again Records