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Thu Apr 17, 2014 9pm - 10pm 
Chacalon Y La Nuevo CremaA Trabajar
Roots Of Chicha 2: Psychedelic Cumbias From Peru / Barbes Records
La LuzPink Slime
It's Alive / Hardly Art
HabibiFar From Right
Habibi / Burger Records
Isaac Rother & The PhantomsThe Phantom
Unspeakable Horror Of..., The / Off The Hip Records
For AgainstYou Only Live TwiceYou Only Live Twice/Today Toda / Part Trance
Cherry GlazerrHaxel Princess
Haxel Princess / Burger Records
Sailors Of NeptuneTrusted Lies
Sailors Of Neptune / Texas Jesus Records

Christina VantzouLittle Darlin Seize The Sun
No. 2 / Kranky
SaintesWhere Were The Boys?
Horizontal/Vertical / Crash Symbols
TinariwenAghregh Medin (Hassan's Song)
Emmaar / Anti- / Epitaph
Mac DemarcoBlue Boy
Salad Days / Captured Tracks
Their Bodies In A Fog / Self
Marissa NadlerI've Got Your Name
July / Sacred Bones Records
Gem ClubSpeech Of Foxes
In Roses / Hardly Art
Langley Schools Music ProjectThe Long and Winding RoadLangley Schools Music Project / Bar/None Records
Maxwell August Croy & Sean MccannHollow Pursuits
I / Students Of Decay