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Tue Aug 25, 2015 10pm - midnight 
Arcturian / Prophecy Productions
Les DiscretsChanson D'automne
Live At Roadburn / Prophecy Productions
DeafheavenBrought to the WaterNew Bermuda / Antirecords
AmorphisSacrificeUnder the Red Cloud / Nuclear Blast Records
PowerwolfArmy Of The NightBlessed and Possessed / Napalm Records

ArkanSoiled DreamsSofia / Seasons of Mist
AlasAbsolute PurityAbsolute Purity / Karmageddon Media
EpicaNatural CorruptionThe Quantum Enigma / Nuclear Blast Records
Omnium GatherumSkylineSkyline / Lifeforce Records
InsomniumThe Harrowing YearsAcross the Dark / Century Media

Arkhon InfaustusTrigrammatonOrthodoxyn / Osmose Productions
Ephel DuathThe PassageThe Painter's Palatte / Elitist Records
WiegedoodDe Doden Hebben Het GoedDe Doden Hebben Het Goed / ConSouling Sounds
Pensées NocturnesLa ChimèreNom d'une Pipe / Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions

CodeJesus FeverResplendent Grotesque / Tabu Recordings
HelfahrtWindDrifa / Trollzorn Records
StratovariusShine in The DarkEternal / earMUSIC
My Dying BrideAnd My Father Left ForeverFeel the Misery / Peaceville Records

SkepticismThe DepartureOrdeal / Svart Records