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Thu Nov 27, 2003 5pm - 7pm 
BeckSatan Gave Me a TacoStereopathetic Soulmanure / Flipside
Brutal TruthI See RedNeed to Control / Earache
MeshuggahGreedContradictions Collapse / Nuclear Blast
HewhocorruptsMaster of ProfitsMaster of Profits / Forgeagain
the Dream Is DeadConsume. Consent. Concede.Letter of Resignation / What Else? Records
CassetteboyBill Hate FigureParker Tapes, the / Barry's Bootlegs
DestroyBurn down the MallDiscography 1990-1994 / Havoc
MinistryTV SongJesus Built My Hotrod / Sire
Harum-ScarumCorporate PenniesMental Health / Tribal War
Killing JokeMoney Is not Our GodExtremities, Dirt and Various / (Unknown)
The Tape-BeatlesThe ads Become the NewsA Subtle Buoyancy of Pulse. Plagiarism / Staalplaat
Guyana Punch LineObligatory Naive Antisellout
Direkt Aktion / Prank
The HonkiesHow Much?....(it's not enough)All My Screws Fell Out / Megaphone
the AvengersMoneyDied for Your Sins / Lookout Records
DRIMoney StinksDirty Rotten / Rotten Records
NegativlandA Most Succssful FormulaDispepsi / Seeland
God is My Co-PilotComplianceGodco:No Fi Neko No Akubi : Nihon No Fi / GodCo
The ExShopping StreetJoggers & Smuggers / Fist Puppet/Ex Records
John Rose/First Soap OperaWhat Shall We Buy?Violin Music for Supermarkets / Megaphone Records
NegativlandTruth in AdvertisingV/A Keep Left a benefit for David Barsamian & Alternative Radio Vol 1 / Ace Fu/Triage Music
Komar & Melamid and Dave SoldierThe Most Unwanted SongThe People's Choice Music / Dia Center for the Arts
William S. BurroughsA Thanksgiving PrayerDead City Radio / Island
The SmithsMeat Is MurderMeat is Murder / Warner Music
Atom and His PackageShopping SpreeRedifining Music / Hopeless Records
FugaziMerchandiseRepeater + 3 Song / Dischord
Noam ChomskyCorporate Feedinmg FrenzyFree Market Fantasies / Ak Press
Jon Rosepingpong@brain.tuttiShopping.Live@Victo / Rer
ChumbawambaCoca-ColanisationPictures of Starving Children Sell Records / Agit-Prop
SchwartzeneggarChild of the TimesTake Your Elbows off the Table EP / Allied
CassetteboyAh Tone, the Brownies!Parker Tapes, the / Barry's Bootlegs
Baghdad LiveMuslim Chant
Adbusters Live Without / Adbusters
Against Me!Those Anarcho Punks are Myserious....reinventing Axl Rose / No Idea
The Tape-BeatlesPlay by Their RulesA Subtle Buoyance of Pulse / Staalplaat
NegativlandWhy is This Commercial?Dispepsi / Seeland
CrassEnd ResultThe Feeding of the 5000 / Southern Studios
From Monument to MassesSharpshooter
Impossible Leap in 100 Si, the / Dim Mak