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Tue Apr 20, 2004 3pm - 5pm 
Ardchild'com.Undo / Sonig
Civil War, the / Matador Records
ToktokBoogie Up
Tora Bora / Hoerspiel Musik
the Planet TheSide Pipe
Physical Angel / 54 Degrees 40' or Fight!
UsaisamonsterBunk FunCitizens of the Chronic / Infrasound
Melt-BananaJust Grub & RunCactuses Come in Flocks / A-Zap
hero of a hundred fightssaying it's all in the mathhero of a hundred fights / 404 records
Messaien, Olivermvmts. 1,2,3Quartet for the End of Time / Deustche Grammaphone
Mark ApplebaumAnesthesia RemixJanus Remixes, the / American Composers Forum
Mark ApplebaumS-Tog (Excerpt)Mousetrap Music / Innova Recordings
Point / Matador Records
Cabbage Patch KidsCabbage Patch DreamsCabbage Patch Dreams / Parker Brothers Music
West Indian Folksongs for ChilMerrily We Roll AlongWest Indian Folksongs for Chil / Folkways Records and Serv
Pete SeegerBought Me a CatAmerican Folk Songs for Childe / Folkways Records and Serv
Hamsa LilaPacha Mama
Gathering One / In the Pocket
Kuti, Fela AnikulapoTeacher Don't Teach Me NonseTeacher Don't Teach Me Nonsens / Mca Records
Cadillac JonesGiant StepsJunk in the Trunk / Harmonized Records
Frisco Styles / Now Rainbow Records
Mr and Mrs EvilBallad of Big Lurk
Frisco Styles / Now Rainbow Records
Estrella 20/20Afro MexicanaAfro Mexicana / Estrus Records
the LizardsSesame Street Theme20 Bands Trash 20 Song / Bun Length, Etc.
Krupted Peasant FarmersI Love Trash20 Bands Trash 20 Song / Bun Length, Etc.
the Chinese StarsSick MachineTurbo Mattress / Skin Graft Records
Ensemble for Early MusicChominciamentoIstanpitta / Lyrichord Discs, Inc
Modo AntiquoChominciamento Di GioiaDanca Amorosa / Opus 111