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Wed Jun 02, 2004 6pm - 8pm 
Gub ClubCarry HomeMiami / Animal
Roxy MusicThe BobRoxy Music / ?
TindersticksTalk to MeTindersticks / Polygram Records (Modern)
Van MorrisonMadame GeorgeAstral Weeks / Warner Brothers
Leonard CohenHallelujahEssential, the / Columbia
Noonday UndergroundWindmills
Surface Noise / Setanta
Epic SoundtracksSad SongRise Above / Bar/None Records
Eleni MandellI Believe in Spring
Snakebite / Space Baby
CalexicoSi Tu Disais
Convict Pool / Quarterstick Records
the Music LoversSweetzer Avenue
Cheap Songs Tell the Truth / Marriage Records
Jolie HollandAmenEscondida / Anti Inc.
MirahMt. St. HelensAdvisory Committe / K Records
Tom WaitsTimeRain Dogs / Island Records (Modern)
Nelson, WillieSomeone to Watch over MeStar Dust / CBS
Joanna NewsomSwansea
Milk-Eyed Mender, the / Drag City
Django ReinhardtBeyond the Sea (La Mer)Indispensable. . ., the / Rca Victor/Bmg
Joanna NewsomSwansea
Milk-Eyed Mender, the / Drag City
Herb Ellis & Red MitchellEasy LivingDoggin' Around / Concord Jazz, Inc.
Eleni MandellDetour Ahead
Maybe, Yes / Heart of a Champion
Chet BakerTangerineShe Was Too Good to Me / Cti Records
Caetano VelosoManhattan
A Foreign Sound / Nonesuch/Atlantic
DevicsThe Man I Love
Ghost in the Girl Ep, the / Splinter Records
VrilCrumpled Armada
Effigies in Cork / Rer Megacorp
Caitlin DennyWest
I Sold My Lungs at the Flea Ma / Independent
BrainiacVincent Comes on DownHissing Prigs in Static Coutur / Touch and Go
Miracle ChosukeGonk
7/8 Wonders of the World, the / Dim Mak
DnaNew FastDna / Avant
Erase ErrataDesterity Is #2Other Animals / Troubleman Unlimited
Adult.Glue Your Eyelids Together
Anxiety Always / Ersatz Audio