Share Playlist:
Thu May 16, 2002 5-7pm 
the Foreign ObjectsT.V. Wizard
Guillotined at the Har /
Lee Perry and Dub SyndicateTrain to DoomsvillePay It All Back /
Pan-AmericanRemappingS/T /
SyzygysFonceEyes on Green: Syzygys Live... /
the QuailsYeahWe Are the Quails /
Erase ErrataMarathonStructure of Scien, the /
James Chance and the ContortionsContort YourselfWhite Cannibal /
Jaques Palinckx and GuestsTrioLllivvvvve!!! /
Billy Childish and the Singing LoinsThe Bitter CupAt the Bridge /
the White StripesLove Sick (Live)White Blood Cells Bonus Tracks /
The Crazy World of Arthur BrownI Put a Spell on YouThe Crazy World of Arthur Brown /
Milk CultMartini BoatProject M-13 /
Chris SmithNothing Can Stop Us
Map Ends: 1995-2000 /
Pain TeensThe UnnamablePain Teens /
Christian MarclayMaria CallasMore Encores /
Mercyful FateNight of the UnbornDon't Break the Oath /
Carnival in CoalManiacFrench Cancan /
BorknagarThe Genuine PulseEmpiricism /
Diamanda GalasDouble-Barrel PrayerDouble-Barrel Prayer /
Apparat Organ QuartetNafnlaust uppklappNart Nibbles coll. /
Matt Wand1 1/2 Volt Music1 1/2 Volt Music /
Peggy MaddenAdnawatThe Frog Peak Collaborations Project coll. /
Peggy MaddenNadaThe Frog Peak Collaborations Project coll. /
Albert Ayler/Don Cherry/John Tchicai/Roswell Rudd/Gary Peacock/Sonny MurrayAyNew York Eye and Ear Control /