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Tue Jul 02, 2002 6-9 pm tuesday 
John Barry 7Time OutBeat Girl Soundtrack /
Karie, KahimiMike Always DiaryKahimi Karie /
TarikaKobaSoul Makassar /
TzimmesSchlump, theWorld Stage 2001 /
Medina River BoysAndale, Vamos PlaticandoAmerican Polka /
Emery DeutscchWho'll Buy My BublitchkiFrom Avenue a to the Y /
Delgado, IsaacNadie me quiere bailarLa Formula /
Cuba L.A.Kila, Kike Y ChocolateDos /
Souza, lucianaAmanhaBrazilian Duos /
Eddie PalmieriCuidate Compay IiLa Perfecta Ii /
Ibrahim FerrerQue Bueno Baila UstedBuena Vista Social Club /
Susana BacaSe Me Van Los PiesEspiritu Vivo /
Los RodriguezPara no VidarPalabras Mas, Palabras Menos /
Sierra MaestraCovergenciaRumbero Soy /
Estrella MorentePilgrimsMy Songs and a Poem /
Les GoI Can't Go For ThatDan Gna /
Sally NyoloMote ApekBeti /
YahoosMabalaAfro-Rock Vol 1 /
Angelique KidjoTumbaBlack Ivory Soul /
Ricardo Lemvo & Makina LocaBoom Boom TararaSao Salvador /
Oliver MtukudziZiva NguvaVhunze Moto /
Markus JamesRainNightbird /
Shaun DaveyRipples in the RockpoolsFrom the Works of Shaun Davey /
TarrasWhiskey TownRising /
CoilaThe 5AM CeilidhFull on /
Rock Salt & NailsSpeedBoxed /
Clooney, RosemaryTribute to RosemaryTribute to Rosemary Clooney /