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Sun Mar 13, 2005 noon - 3pm 
GoblinSuspiria (Main Theme)Suspiria OST / Cinevox
LowbellySmokin' Jack
Monster Dudes/Lowbelly / Fort Hazel Magic
7 SecondsStand Here and Just Stare
Take It Back, Take It On, Take / Side One Dummy
Love SongsSweet-Ish
All Branches, no Trunk / New Disorder
AnthraxI Am the LawGreater of Two Evils, the / Sanctuary Records
Iron MaidenInvasionThe First 10 Years - B-sides / Harvest?
Def LeppardGetcha Rocks OffCOLL: NWOBHM / Metal Blade
Judas PriestRipperUnleashed In The East / Columbia
Twisted SisterS.M.F.
Still Hungry / Spitfire Records Inc.
Neon ManiacsChildren of the Night
Neon Maniacs / Self Release
Jenny PiccoloAmber Gambler
Piccolo, JENNY/SUL9B / Deep Six Records
NoothgrushCrawlCorrupted/ Noothgrush / Reservoir Records
Crimenes De GuerraMcnocidio
Sangre Rebelde / La Femi Records
B.Klopptstars / Rrr Records
ParafMoj ziovt je non valCOLL: Bloodstains Across Yugoslavia / Redrum
RetardsChuck Taylors Allstars Blues
Bedroom Disasters / Empty Records
PaintboxCry of the SheepsCry of the Sheeps / Prank
Jim Price and Irwin ChusidJim Freaks Out
Wfmu:Radio Archival Od / Self Release
Travesty LtdRock N' Roll DoctorCOL: Dr. Demento -Best Novelty Records-80's / Rhino
Our Darkest Fears Now Haunt Us / Prank
R.A.M.B.O.U-Lock JusticeAustrialian Discog. / GASH
VoetsekSet In StoneSplit w/Conga Fury & Chainsaw / 625
DeathtollSea Of BloodDeathtoll / Kangaroo
KylesaA 100 Degree Heat IndexNo Ending /100 Degree Heat Index EP / Prank
ChainsawPopular Boy
We Are not Very Nice / Dionysus/Hell Yeah
Chainsaw (Japan)Life Wil Fade AwayCOLL: split w/Voetsek & Conga Fury / 625
The Vectors (So. Cal)Bondage ManDeath To Disco / Rave Up
The Vectors (Sweden)Shootin' Out Your LightsStill Ill / Busted Heads
Dead KennedysCalifornia Uber Allies (slow mix)Give Me Conveience Or Give Me Death / Alternative Tentacles
Funeral ShockFugitive By DesignFuneral Shock / Controled By Plague
BeerzoneHa Ha Ha
Against the Flow / Beer City
Captialist CausalitiesMeat Market & Jesus' WhoreCOLL: Captailist Causalties/M.I.T.B. split 12" / Six Weeks?
SymbelSittaen Aet SymbelWe Drink-Hymns And Counsel Of Anglo-Saxon Heathenry / Angelesic
RiistetytOdotus (Live)Orjat Ja Kurjat / Usina De Sangue
The AvengersTeenage RebelDied For Your Sins / Lookout