Blue Sausage Infant / Manitou
Album: Manitou   Collection:General
Artist:Blue Sausage Infant   Added:May 2012

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-05-05 Pull Date: 2012-07-08 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 8 Jun 10 Jun 3 May 27 May 13 May 6
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 4 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 04, 2012: minimum entropy
4. May 28, 2012: Bridal Moments
2. Jun 09, 2012: The Mongrel's Stoop
5. May 23, 2012: Songs: Cantan, cont.
Abdominal Forest
3. May 30, 2012: maximum entropy
6. May 12, 2012: The Mongrel's Stoop
Afflicted By The Wind Disease

Album Review
Reviewed 2012-05-05
Blue Sausage Infant is the name that DC area synth and circuit wizard Chester Hawkins has used for his amorphous, kaleidoscopic experimental releases since 1986. A centerpiece of the local Sonic Circuits festival, his track on the festival’s fourth sampler LP (District Of Noise) sounded like the east coast equivalent to some Debacle Records artists (e.g. Megabats, Brain Fruit, Crystal Hell Pool). This is really varied stuff—swirls of krauty kosmic synth along with some abstract drone and musique concrete; there’s something in here for everyone. RIYL Klaus Schulze, Ernesto Diaz-Infante, High Wolf, No Mind Meditation

1. (5:04) Looped guitar/ukulele strums, shimmering and sparkly (almost autoharp timbre), some slowly emerging synth layers washed over
2. (5:08)* Dark, twisted nightmare techno. Blurred, buzzing, erratic bouncing beats with some harsh circuitbending.
3. (3:25) Haunting kaleidoscopic collage of radio samples, scratchy field recordings, and what sounds like underwater marimba.
4. (4:40) Upbeat, fuzzy guitar+drum crossover-thrash duo (guest musicians Daniel Euphrat & Jason Mullinax); reverbed, krauty synth/vox from Hawkins.
5. (9:26) **Chilled-out swirling synth soundscapes, a lethargic Megabats / Brain Fruit meets Tangerine Dream
6. (5:02) Buzzing cacophony swirling around a dark electric hum
7. (4:31) Cyclical synth meanderings over drunken yelling and dogs barking in the distance
8. (7:32) Gentle post-rock guitar plucking with some haunting lap-steel guitar
9. (12:14)* Field recording collage plunges into some dark and dreary industrial soundscapes

Track Listing
1. Afflicted By The Wind Disease   6. Aphid's Lament
2. Hosebag   7. Sodom Is Risen
3. How To Achieve Somnambulism   8. Catoctin
4. The Moss Takes Over   9. Abdominal Forest
5. Yggdrasil   .