Airmodular / Vindication Day
Album: Vindication Day   Collection:General
Artist:Airmodular   Added:Jun 2012
Label:Tinderbox Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-04-11 Pull Date: 2014-06-13
Week Ending: Jun 8 Jun 1 May 25
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 07, 2014: Music Casserole
Tremor In The Heart
3. May 24, 2014: Live Your Life
Tremor In The Heart
2. May 31, 2014: Live Your Life
Vindication Day

Album Review
Be Sharp
Reviewed 2014-04-03

Airmodular is composer/musician Cy Donovan and female vocalist Sueyoung Yoo. They’re augmented by guitar and (on track 2) by trumpet. Track 2 has a different (male) vocalist. Styles range from soft to hard. It’s a bit hit-or-miss, but there’s some interesting music here.

No FCC issues.

1 Mid-fast. Rhythm guitar, bouncy synth, drum beat. Uninspired lyric. Uninteresting. (2:39)
2 Faster. More guitar. Guest male vocalist sings lead. Ms Yoo provides harmony. (3:23)
3 * Mid-tempo. Orchestral, dreamy feel. Better vocals that previous. I like this one. (4:07)
4 Fast. Rock rhythm. Heavy on synth and drums. Vampy vocal. (3:01)
5 Very fast. Cy singing on this one, I believe. Repetitive. Yawn. (2:47)
6 * Very slow. Spacey synth. Far away, dreamy vocals. This one’s more interesting. (3:09)
7 ** Mid-slow. Instrumental. Spacey synth tour de force. No vocals. (2:40)

Track Listing
1. Vindication Day   5. A Higher Road
2. Big Punk   6. Goodbye
3. Tremor In The Heart   7. Sleepwalking
4. Miss Major   .