Aesop Rock / Skelethon
Album: Skelethon   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Aesop Rock   Added:Aug 2012
Label:Rhymesayers Ent  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-08-12 Pull Date: 2012-10-14 Charts: Hip-Hop
Week Ending: Oct 7 Sep 9 Sep 2 Aug 26
Airplays: 2 2 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 10, 2022: borrowed time
Zero Dark Thirty
4. Sep 28, 2015: Everything A to Z week 13
Racing Stripes
2. Dec 08, 2019: Soul, Samples & Substitutions
Gopher Guts, Ruby '81
5. Jan 14, 2015: Corey and Cory
Zero Dark Thirty
3. Jan 24, 2019: Grace and Jam
Gopher Guts, Cycles To Gehenna
6. Jul 15, 2013: Happy Hour (Coverin' for PACC)
Ruby '81

Album Review
DJ Underbelly
Reviewed 2012-08-05
Aesop Rock
reviewed by Underbelly

One of raps most enigmatic MCs returns with Skelethon, Aesop Rock's first album without any guest verses, or Blockhead beats. Produced entirely by Aesop himself, Skelethon's ominous boom-bap influenced production perfectly compliments Aesop's voice for maximum impact, bar after bar. And the lyrics? As dense and puzzling as ever.

No FCCs. Recommended: 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 15

1. Great opening with dark ominous production. Funky breakbeats and scary guitars. Aesop delivers as always.

2. Super funky breakbeat and and fuzzed out guitars. Aesop's voice sounds weak on the chorus.

3. Heavy thundering drums and more fuzzy guitars. Again the chorus ain't great but the verses are all dope.

4. Single for the album. Great cuts by DJ Big Wiz. Great track, play this.

5. Eno-esque chimes and electro drums. Interesting production, definitely a weirder track.

6. Ambient backdrop with voices in the background. Track builds as Aesop raps on about a barbecue gone wrong or something. Very cool, play this.

7. Kimya Dawson featured on this track in the intro. Not familiar with her work, her voice reminds me of the movie Juno. After her intro Aesop kicks a dope verse as usual.

8. Distorted synth bass with totally insane drums. Sounds super chaotic, suits Aesop's voice perfectly.

9. Kimya featured again on this track about haircuts, of all things. "Dude, it grows back!" One of the funniest tracks Aesop has done, play this.

10. Super distorted synth bass and pounding drums. Chorus is weird again, but thankfully short.

11. Aesop raps about how to make a homemade mummy (!). "Take the brain, leave the heart in..." Totally awesome.

12. Fat snare and kinda country sounding track. Aesop raps about not eating your vegetables, kid. Eat your vegetables, godammit!

13. Fast, funky drums with some weird-ass synths and singing. Track feels like it threatens to explode at any moment.

14. Super fat drums and super phat synth bass. "Turn a staff to snake and back". Brilliant synths here, this guy can produce, man!

15. Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts closes the album. Dirty, vintage drums and middle-eastern singing. "Then I let em go". Totes awesome, play THIS.

Track Listing
1. Leisureforce   8. Crows 2
2. Zzz Force   9. Racing Stripes
3. Cycles To Gehenna   10. 1,000 O'clock
4. Zero Dark Thirty   11. Homemademummy
5. Fyerstarter   12. Grace
6. Ruby '81   13. Saturn Missiles
7. Crows 1   14. Tetra
  15. Gopher Guts