Ontonana Trio / Stories At The Homerun Office
Album: Stories At The Homerun Office   Collection:General
Artist:Ontonana Trio   Added:Oct 2012
Label:Planetary Records  

Album Review
Emma Budiansky
Reviewed 2013-04-05
Japanese trio, explosion of fun and guitars and blues and slight screaminess. Energetic and passionate, you won't regret playing this.

1. Baroque Hoedown (0:55)-Simple electric guitar, hoedown like the title suggests
2. *Konbini (2:30)-Fun, grooving mess of screams and guitars
3. *Baseball (3:25)-I thought this was Modest Mouse (Ohio) when it started, then gets into a echoing RHCP funk, then evens out, and alternates throughout. Sweet shit.
4. Don't Call Me In A Morning (2:04)-Peppy, fast, screamy, guitars wowowowowow
5. Umo (1:12)-Distorted vocals, steady beat, repetitive
6. Sunrise (4:51)-Slower, growling, builds up, much softer than everything before it
7. Homerun Blues (3:26)-Classic blues feel, how is this Japanese still
8. Prostitution (3:50)-Midtempo, more grooving, solid
9. Though (5:04)-Slower again, pulsing guitar,
10. *Giant Steps (1:12)-Super fun intense finale woohooo, guitars going crazy, more wowowowow

Track Listing
1. Baroque Hoedown   6. Sunrise
2. Konbini   7. Homerun Blues
3. Baseball   8. Prostitution
4. Don't Call Me In A Morning   9. Though
5. Umo   10. Giant Steps