Buress, Hannibal / Animal Furnace
Album: Animal Furnace   Collection:Comedy
Artist:Buress, Hannibal   Added:Jan 2013
Label:Comedy Central Records  

Album Review
DJ Underbelly
Reviewed 2013-05-19
Hannibal Buress
Animal Furnace
Comedy Central Records
Reviewed by Underbelly

Rising NYC Comedian namechecked by the likes of Louie CK, Chris Rock, and Aziz Ansari releases his first Comedy Central special and boy, it's a doozie.

FCCs on most every track, so play it after the kids are in bed.

1. Hannibal explores the merits of having a garbage can on your head and the intricacies of TSA regulations. Not especially funny yet.

*2. Alright, this one's good. Buress rants about a terrible, terrible article written about him that appeared in a university paper a few years ago. Apparently, comparing people to punctuation is quite strange. Very funny.

3. Hannibal talks about his experience writing skits for SNL and working with Megan Fox. Less funny.

*4. Hannibal delineates an interesting late-night encounter with a feminist who quotes rape statistics. More funny.

5. Hannibal explains the ridiculousness of jaywalking tickets in Montreal and the fun of rental cars. Moderately funny.

6. More meditations on the ridiculousness of airport security and the stupidity of some people at the DMV. Quite funny.

7. Hannibal on meeting Jimmy Carter on a plane. lower-middle class funny.

*8. Hannibal on throwing up from too much drinking, cancer walks, and doing the holy ghost. Very, very funny.

9. Hannibal on black strip clubs and rap music, including Odd Future and Young Jeezy. Not very funny.

10. Nice short bit on hands-free phone calls. Funny.

11. Hannibal on night clubbing and free drinks. Quite funny.

12. Nice bit on taking people with handlebar mustaches seriously and the strange world of Facebook. Funny.

*13. Excellent bit on Hannibal's teenage cousin and masturbation accusations. Very, very funny.

*14. Another awesome description of a late night encounter with a woman whose sentences were too long. Very, very funny.

15. Hannibal details the intricacies of stealing other people's debit cards, including his own. Funny.

16. Hannibal on apple juice, Mcgriddles, and gaining weight. Quite funny.

Track Listing
1. Tsa   9. M O E
2. Wack Writing   10. Hands-Free
3. Scatting   11. We Be Clubbing
4. 5 A.M. In The Morning   12. Moustache Time
5. Jaywalking   13. Masturbation Accusations
6. Bomb Water   14. Why Would You Tell Me That?
7. Air Emergency   15. Debit Card
8. Vomit   16. Apple Juice