Rainbow Body, The / Return Unto Void
Album: Return Unto Void   Collection:General
Artist:Rainbow Body, The   Added:May 2013
Label:The Rainbow Body Sound Lab  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-05-19 Pull Date: 2013-07-21 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 7 Jun 9 Jun 2 May 26
Airplays: 1 3 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 03, 2013: Beach Blanket Bingo
Void 8
4. Jun 02, 2013: air balloon lane
Void 2, Void 1
2. Jun 06, 2013: The Sunset Life
Void 2
5. May 30, 2013: The Sunset Life
Void 8
3. Jun 05, 2013: minimum entropy
Void 8
6. May 30, 2013: minimum entropy ii
Void 7

Album Review
DJ Away
Reviewed 2013-05-13
Intense bladerunnercore
Dramatic, sweeping, blissful, gorgeous, loud, scary. Whoa. Play all/any. No words, no FCCs.

1. (2:44)—Drones surge across a sweltering desert, bent by the heat.
2. (3:22)—Church organs collapse. Heralds of the apocalypse.
3. (3:09)—Airy drones kick up noise dust across the land.
4. (3:28)—Collapsed transmitters exhale static for the last time. A UFO lands.
5. (1:30)—Our hero trudges admirably across the desert, fighting the heavy winds.
6. (5:19)—Our hero encounters the UFO and the desert goes silent. For a moment all is peaceful. Our hero ponders the fate of the world.
7. (12:13)—The UFO emits an ominous hum that rises and rises. Our hero is hypnotized and cannot move. Everything begins to blur and fade.
8. (4:13)—Our hero has visions of a translucent cathedral that’s two miles long, two miles wide, and two miles high. The sounds of 10,000 organs and choir singers fill the cathedral.

Track Listing
1. Void 1   5. Void 5
2. Void 2   6. Void 6
3. Void 3   7. Void 7
4. Void 4   8. Void 8