Various Artists / Highgate Vs Ghäst
Album: Highgate Vs Ghäst   Collection:General 7"
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Mar 2014
Label:Pesanta Urfolk  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-03-14 Pull Date: 2014-05-16 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Apr 20 Apr 6 Mar 23
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 17, 2014: Aporeia: Didgeridoo edition
Parapsychological Warfare
3. Mar 17, 2014: Deathcrush
La Chose Dans Les Ténèbres
2. Mar 31, 2014: Deathcrush
Parapsychological Warfare

Album Review
The Grunt
Reviewed 2014-03-14

SPLIT: Highgate vs Ghäst

A split between Highgate (Kentucky) and Ghäst (french canadian from Montreal). If you like blackened doom, then these two killer tracks are for you. This 7" was released in 2012 and was sent to us by the SUPER AWESOME LABEL PESANTA URFOLK!!!

Ghäst -
Slow moving droning doom with a distinctive falling feeling. Growls are perfect. Some psychedelic noises and feedback are lurking in the shadows. Crescendos into a lethargic chaos. This song would SLAY you live, I'm sure. I need to find more of this band. AWESOME!!!

Highgate - Parapsychological Warfare
Black Metal at 1/4 of the normal pace. Doomy, melancholy, and cold. Picks up halfway through. Picks up further to full speed HOLY SHIT MY NIPPLES ARE HARD. Tortured screams are great. Slows back down again. This song nails the dynamics and gave me shivers. SUPER GOOD!!!

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Highgate Parapsychological Warfare
2. Ghäst La Chose Dans Les Ténèbres