Demeyer, Brigitte / Savannah Road
Album: Savannah Road   Collection:General
Artist:Demeyer, Brigitte   Added:Apr 2014
Label:Brigitte Demeyer Music/Bmi  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-07-04 Pull Date: 2014-09-05
Week Ending: Sep 7 Aug 24 Aug 3 Jul 27 Jul 13
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 02, 2014: Eclectic Erudition
Lightnin' Poor
4. Jul 26, 2014: Music Casserole
Simmer Right
2. Aug 23, 2014: The Iron Skillet
Boy's Got Soul
5. Jul 24, 2014: Binders Full of Sopranos
Conjure Woman
3. Aug 01, 2014: Octagonal Banana
Say You Will Be Mine
6. Jul 10, 2014: Binders Full of Sopranos
Honey Hush

Album Review
Eme O
Reviewed 2014-06-24
Country-Americana singer-songwriter. Soulful voice (a bit like Melissa Etheridge, especially on the country tunes), lyrics like warm syrup, humid days, dirt roads. Sensual songs of comfort, love, longing. Not happy, not heavy. Strong blues element. F vox, harmonizing voices, gospel influence. No FCCs. Play any. My faves: 3,4,5,7,10, 13 ~eme o.

1. Savannah Road (3:10) Mid-tempo ode to Georgia, moody reminiscence. M harmony..

2. Say You Will Be Mine (3:33) Upbeat front porch new love tune. M harmony.

3. Boy’s Got Soul (3:17) Sweet song of mature love, domestic/maternal tone, can def. hear M. Etheridge here (specifically, “You can sleep while I drive”). M harmony.

4. Please Believe Me (4:27) Slow blues drag, love lost and missed.

5. Big Man’s Shoes (3:07) Cute mid-tempo old-time-bluesy tune about a dog waiting for his master to come home. Clarinet solo.

6. Conjure Woman (4:31) Slow-to-mid trip deep into the swamp, looking for a love spell. F harmony.

7. Honey Hush (3:06) Mid-paced bluesy, knocking percussion, organ backdrop, washboard accent

8. Worker (3:12) Country road song, portrait of a hard-working man described by the woman waiting home for him. M harmony.

9. Home Ground (2:35) Slow, wistful, longing for home. M harmony.

10. Lightnin’ Poor (4:09) Cool cat head-nodding, finger-snap blues. Gospel choir adds some flavor.

11. Simmer Right (3:09) Slow, bluesy, choir makes another appearance here. “Stir the soup and let it simmer right.” Well alright then.

12. Build Me A Fire (4:56) Slow, bluesy, gospel-tinged tune about a homeless man looking for a bed.

13. My Someday (2:27) Slow, bluegrass-y, country gospel tune about waiting for love to come and save the day. Banjo, Harmonica, M harmony.

Track Listing
1. Savannah Road   8. Worker
2. Say You Will Be Mine   9. Home Ground
3. Boy's Got Soul   10. Lightnin' Poor
4. Please Believe Me   11. Simmer Right
5. Big Man's Shoes   12. Build Me A Fire
6. Conjure Woman   13. My Someday
7. Honey Hush   .