Tiny Victories / Haunts
Album: Haunts   Collection:General
Artist:Tiny Victories   Added:Aug 2014
Label:The Sleepover Party  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-08-22 Pull Date: 2014-10-24
Week Ending: Oct 26 Oct 19 Oct 5 Sep 28 Sep 7
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 20, 2014: In The Year One Thousand, Eight Thousand
Drinking With Your Ghost
4. Sep 26, 2014: Octagonal Banana
Drinking With Your Ghost
2. Oct 16, 2014: Meow
Drinking With Your Ghost
5. Sep 04, 2014: Binders Full of Sopranos
Drinking With Your Ghost
3. Oct 01, 2014: Radio Personality
Drinking With Your Ghost
6. Aug 31, 2014: Radio Personality (summer)
Scott & Zelda

Album Review
Alejandra Salazar
Reviewed 2014-08-11
Tiny Victories
The Sleepover Party, 2014

After a while, this album’s formula for success becomes transparently clear: bursts of synth, sweeping swells that hearken to rock anthems of the 80s. But Tiny Victories’ debut is still an excellent showcase of the duo’s developing mastery of their instruments/tools/sound, with solid tracks that can easily stand on their own and that are, furthermore, simply so much damn fun to listen to. The entire album is certainly worth a play.

FCC clean.

***1. (4:21) Absolutely excellent opener. Electifying synth/keys and “ee-heee” harmonizing make way for a series of intricately layered verses full of layered guitar strumming/reverb—only to build back up to those addicting “ee-hee”s in a catchy chorus.
**2. (4:12) Funky congo-esque percussion + ghostly harmonizing + fuzzy synth drive this whole thing home.
**3. (3:46) Heavy percussion and waves of synth noise create a track that alternates between dreamy and in-your-face. Consistently catchy, filled with some insane vocal layering.
*4. (3:02) Some 80s influenced synth/keys open up the song + make up a buzzing, addictive chorus + playfully build up to a stunning bridge.
5. (4:01) Shimmering video-game/technology/electronic sounds meet big, bold classic rock. Beautiful marriage of indie rock and electro pop.
*6. (6:18) Sweeping, swelling song with hints of melancholy (re: lyrics).
7. (4:01) Probably the weakest of the album, but features a redeemable glittering synth.
*8. (4:03) Best lyrics + euphoric anthem of the album. Makes you want to jump, jump, jump.
9. (4:12) Sunny road trip tune, head-bopper and toe-tapper.
**10. (4:49) More funky noise layering makes for a floating, ethereal, night drives kind of vibe (notable mention: woodwinds + warped chimes + a funky drop near the last minute). Darkest track on the album, both musically and lyrically.
*11. (2:36) Another night drive song, with more of that ethereal/ghostly synth sound that builds up gorgeously and backdrops vox + minimalist keys. Drops off and quickly fades out.

Track Listing
1. Drinking With Your Ghost   6. Austin, Tx
2. Scott & Zelda   7. Proton Pagoda
3. Systems   8. Life Is Boring
4. Let It Burn   9. Our Lady Of Rout 80
5. This Revolution   10. Justine
  11. You're Gone