Breathing Effect, The / Mars Is A Very Bad Place For Love
Album: Mars Is A Very Bad Place For Love   Collection:Missing
Artist:Breathing Effect, The   Added:Feb 2016
Label:Alpha Pup Records  

Album Review
Reviewed 2016-02-23
– General Description: Mostly sounds like 70’s kind of jazz you would find in the bar of lots of hotels. A few pieces are more raucous than tired travelers would want to down drinks with, but for the most part they are all okay. Whispery reverb-filled vocals when they occur. Overall this is good relaxation music. Some more in-depth and interesting reviews can be found online.
– FCC Compliant: YES
– Recommended Tracks: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8
– Track Reviews:
1. (2:07) Forestial Things - calm piano mostly
2. (5:05) Cloudy Afternoon - relaxed with easy melody
3. (6:50) Cold Meteor Showers - more percussion but still moderate
4. (7:10) Visions - reminds me of YES a tiny bit
5. (3:30) One for the Mountains by the Sea - ah, the cymbals; time to order more drinks
6. (2:10) Twenty Years Altogether - airy, darting sounds over waves
7. (4:03) Streetlights Out of Focus - focused and robotic with video game sounds; then conventional; mellow male vocals
8. (4:50) Weightless Reality - gotta beat to it with an underwater island sound; male vocals; fun percussion solos
9. (2:24) Fireflies - moderate; vocals are clear then squashed by the band
10. (5:10) Rising Inside - moderate and mostly fuzzy in sound
11. (1:09) Half Light - very quiet and dreamy; silent from 1:03 on

Track Listing
1. Forestial Things   6. Twenty Years Altogether
2. Cloudy Afternoon   7. Streetlights Out Of Focus
3. Cold Meteor Showers   8. Weightless Reality
4. Visions   9. Fireflies
5. One For The Mountains By The Sea   10. Rising Inside
  11. Half Light