Metalwood / Twenty
Album: Twenty   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Metalwood   Added:Sep 2016
Label:Cellar Live  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2016-10-04 Pull Date: 2016-12-04 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Dec 4 Nov 27 Nov 20 Oct 16
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 03, 2016: Old Fart at Play
3. Nov 18, 2016: Rebop
Fortune Smiles
2. Nov 22, 2016: Clean Copper Radio
Bodybeard, The Past Before You
4. Oct 14, 2016: Rebop
The Past Before You

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2016-09-25
Metalwood/ Twenty
Label: Cellar Live

Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2016-09-25
Tom McCarter
Genre: Jazz
Electric fusion band returns with a terrific set performed brilliantly
FCCs: none
If You Like: Weather report, Return to Forever, Eddie Harris, Bernie Worrell
Favorite Tracks: (1) The Past Before You (3) Fortune Smiles (4) Gargantua (9) Solidaite
Track Review: 1/ sax opens> uptempo jam> piano/bass duet> uptempo jam> Triton solo> uptempo jam> quick stop 2/ Triton opens> (uptempo jam> false stop> uptempo jam> sudden stop 3/ Triton opens> slow jam> sax solo> Triton solo> midtempo jam> quick fade 4/ (vocal countdown at start) sax opens> midtempo jam> trumpet solo> uptempo jam> slows to fade 5/ horns start> uptempo jam> Triton solo> sax solo> uptempo jam> quick stop 6/ bass starts> uptempo jam> piano solo> uptempo jam & stop 7/ sax starts> midtempo jam> horns jam throughout> slows to fade with piano 8/ Triton starts> midtempo jam> sax solo> Triton solo> bass solo> uptempo jam> quick fade 9/ drums start> heavy Triton jam slows to beautiful slow jam then builds to uptempo and back and then fades 10/ erratic sax starts> uptempo jam> piano solo> sax solo> uptempo jam> quick fade

Track Listing
1. The Past Before You   6. Clutch
2. Bodybeard   7. Good Things (For Good People)
3. Fortune Smiles   8. Extra Salty
4. Gargantua   9. Solidarite
5. Rooftops   10. Push