Mccaslin, Donny / Beyond Now
Album: Beyond Now   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Mccaslin, Donny   Added:Oct 2016
Label:Motema Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2016-12-29 Pull Date: 2017-03-02 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Feb 26 Feb 19 Feb 12 Jan 29 Jan 22 Jan 15 Jan 8
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Recent Airplay
1. Jan 13, 2022: Old Fart at Play (rebroadcast from Feb 18, 2017)
Bright Abyss
4. Feb 18, 2017: Old Fart at Play
Bright Abyss
2. May 20, 2017: Old Fart at Play
5. Feb 17, 2017: Rebop
3. Feb 24, 2017: Rebop
6. Feb 10, 2017: Rebop
Beyond Now

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2016-11-19
McCaslin, Donny / Beyond Now
Label: Motema

Tom McCarter
Reviewed: 2016-11-19

Tom McCarter
McCaslin, Donny
Beyond Now
Genre: Jazz
Review: a strong set of ambient electronic jazz, reflecting on the past and pointing to the future
FCCs: none
If You Like: James Chance, Ornette Coleman, Brian Eno
Favorite Tracks: (3) Beyond Now (5) Bright Abyss
(7) Warszawa (8) Faceplant
Track Review: 1/ atonal uptempo jam> quick stop
2/ drum machine start> space jam with male vocal> slow fade on vocal 3/ quiet synth start> slow tempo jam> midtempo space jam> uptempo jazz jam> crescendo end 4/quiet spacey synth starts> slow tempo jam> slow fade 5/ midtempo jam builds to uptempo> slow fade 6/ drum machine start> fast tempo jam> quick stop 7/slow synth start> slow tempo jam> crescendo end 8/ piano start> slow tempo jam> false stop> slow tempo jam builds to uptempo> crescendo end 9/ sax starts> slow tempo jam builds in intensity & volume> slow fade

Track Listing
1. Shake Loose   5. Bright Abyss
2. A Small Plot Of Land   6. Faceplant
3. Beyond Now   7. Warszawa
4. Coelacanth 1   8. Glory
  9. Remain