Melodium / Luminol
Album: Luminol   Collection:General
Artist:Melodium   Added:Nov 2016

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2016-12-06 Pull Date: 2017-02-07 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Dec 18 Dec 11
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 17, 2016: Narnia
Sn2, Int2
3. Dec 10, 2016: Music Casserole
2. Dec 10, 2016: Narnia
Int4, Sn3

Album Review
Mr. Tumnus
Reviewed 2016-12-03
Ambient electronic. Kind of reminds me of what Earth might look like if all the humans went away and we entered a mini-Ice Age and all the machines kept running. Soundscapes that remind me of an Arctic landscape, with machines clicking or thumping around on top. Great attention to detail. Prepare for the posthuman future!

The songs tend to be composed of fragments--a hook or beat is introduced only to be abandoned a minute later. This can be frustrating if you want (as I often did) Luminol to develop one theme more fully. Think of it as a collage and it feels better.

No FCCs. Try 3, 6, 7, 10, or any.

1) “Int1” (2:32): Someone trying to sand something.
2) “Sn1” (4:32): More rhythmic, doors opening and shutting. Birdsong. Like being outside on a cold winter’s day.
3) “Int2” (2:52): Someone walking around with beautiful simple piano harmony.
4) “Sn2” (4:09): Quietly mechanical. Equipment working in the background. Automated factory.
5) “Int3” (2:51): Wood knocking together in an echoey room. Piano.
6) “Sn3” (4:06): Squeaky hinge manipulated to form a beat--cool. Then gets watery.
7) “Int4” (2:42): Standing on a moor. Crows. Electric guitar forms a great counterpoint.
8) “Sn4” (4:14): Like a fax machine working by itself for thousands of years. Big spacey sounds in the back. Soft beat. Pretty sure that you can hear the call of the loon in the background around 3:15.
9) “Int5” (2:29): Piano opens up an intimate landscape.
10) “Sn5” (4:02): Kind of a cool beat. Party at a construction site (still no humans around). Probably the most aggressive moment on the album.
11) “Int6” (3:02): Don’t know why this track isn’t paired with a Sn. Big stretchy electronic sounds and maybe one machine twitching. Big quiet notes to end.

--Mr Tumnus

Track Listing
1. Int1   6. Sn3
2. Sn1   7. Int4
3. Int2   8. Sn4
4. Sn2   9. Int4
5. Int2   10. Sn5
  11. Int6