Steinitz, Edgar / Roots Unknown
Album: Roots Unknown   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Steinitz, Edgar   Added:Jan 2018
Label:Oa2 Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-01-30 Pull Date: 2018-04-03 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Apr 1 Mar 25 Feb 18
Airplays: 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 27, 2022: Hot Probs (rebroadcast from Mar 27, 2018)
Jewish Jazz Jam Suite: 1/ Peace & Wholeness (Oseh Shalom), 2/ Healing Mind, Body, Perserverance
4. Feb 17, 2018: Old Fart at Play
Sephardic Blues: & Into The Shadow Of Lodz
2. Mar 27, 2018: Hot Probs
Jewish Jazz Jam Suite: 1/ Peace & Wholeness (Oseh Shalom), 2/ Healing Mind, Body, Perserverance
5. Feb 15, 2018: Sound Landscapes
Sephardic Blues: & Into The Shadow Of Lodz
3. Mar 20, 2018: Oszone
Yiddish Blues, Segue 1, Liberation (Ma Lech Hayam), Jewish Jazz Jam Suite: 1/ Peace & Wholeness (Oseh Shalom), 2/ Healing Mind, Body, To Life (L' Chaim)

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-01-25
Reviewed: 2018-01-25
Genre: Jazz
FCCS: none
Review: brilliant piece of ethnic jazz fusion, combining the musical tradtions of the Northern European Ashkenazi, and the strong Afro-Latin influences from the Northern African and South American Sephardic communities, Steinitz discovers a rich and significant musical landscape to explore.
If You Like: Andy Statman, Anouar Brahem
Track review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ To Life (L’Chayim) (4:10) – horns start> midtempo jam> fiddle solo> bass solo> midtempo jam> fade
*2/ Jewish Jazz Jam Suite (13:03): 1/ Peace & Wholeness (Oseh Shalom) (3:35), 2/ Healing Mind, Body, And Spirit (Mi Shebeirach) (3:13), 3/ Hope (Hatikvah) (3:75), 4/ Rejoice (Nagila) (2:79)
3/ Liberation (Ma Lecha Hayam) (6:47) –
4/ Segue 1 (0:29) – short uptempo trumpet solo
5/ Yiddish Blues (4:09) – plucked guitar starts> midtempo jam> quick fade/false stop> crescendo end
*6/ Perseverance (3:03) – clarinet starts>slow jam> bass clarinet solo> percussion solo> slow jam> fade
*7/ Sephardic Blues & Into The Shadow Of Lodz (4:50) - clarinet starts> slow jam swings to midtempo> bass solo> midtempo jam> fade
8/ Segue 2 (0:35) – short clarinet solo
*9/ Grant Peace (Sim Shalom) (7:12) – uptempo jam with full band to start> trumpet solo> bass solo> uptempo jam> slow fade
10/ May Love Find Its Way To You (1:26) – slow clarinet solo

Track Listing
1. To Life (L' Chaim)   6. Perserverance
2. Jewish Jazz Jam Suite: 1/ Peace & Wholeness (Oseh Shalom), 2/ Healing Mind, Body   7. Sephardic Blues: & Into The Shadow Of Lodz
3. Liberation (Ma Lech Hayam)   8. Segue 2
4. Segue 1   9. Grant Peace (Sim Shalom)
5. Yiddish Blues   10. May Love Find It's Way To You