Hawgood, Ian & Aldinucci, Giulio / Consequence Shadows
Album: Consequence Shadows   Collection:General
Artist:Hawgood, Ian & Aldinucci, Giulio   Added:Mar 2018
Label:Home Normal  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-03-06 Pull Date: 2018-05-04 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Mar 18 Mar 11
Airplays: 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 26, 2018: subwoofer etc etc etc
Other Ashes (Stijn Hüwels Rework), Embarking Shadows, Only Microns
4. Mar 10, 2018: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
Embarking Shadows
2. Mar 17, 2018: Music Casserole
Only Microns
5. Mar 10, 2018: Markov Chain Gang
The Wasted Consequence
3. Mar 13, 2018: subwoofer etc
Embarking Shadows

Album Review
Reviewed 2018-03-03
Ian Hawgood + Giulio Aldinucci
Consequence Shadows
(Released by: Home Normal)
Reviewed by BravoMarco

Minimal sound artists based in Warsaw & Tokyo, this is an experimental release combining the ambient with a darker underbelly, although even the bleaker tracks have a delicate touch.

Like: Mytrip, Deison & Mingle, Josco & Spheruleu

All good. Loving 1 & 5

No FCC’s (Instrumentals)

1) Embarking Shadows (6.09) Foreboding opener. Stark, eerie waves of delight.
2) Only Microns (4.47) Glitchy & repetitive background gives way to a fuller lighter sound.
3) The Wasted Consequence (12.10) A mélange of sounds to start before concentrating on the meditative ambient drone. Light & airy.
4) Other Ashes (17.22) Unhurried & assured. Field recordings combining with the steady low murmuring drone. This gains momentum, resulting in a more vibrant drone. Changes direction midway through with a heavier organ sound – still maintains the peace though.
5) Other Ashes (Stijn Hüwels Rework) (19.05) An extended quiet intro, then a more severe & haunting version. Last 90 seconds is silent, so fade out around the 17.30 mark. All in all, perfect late night / early morning radio.

Track Listing
1. Embarking Shadows   4. Other Ashes
2. Only Microns   5. Other Ashes (Stijn Hüwels Rework)
3. The Wasted Consequence   .