Randalu, Kristjan / Absence
Album: Absence   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Randalu, Kristjan   Added:Apr 2018
Label:Ecm Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-04-29 Pull Date: 2018-07-01 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jul 1 Jun 17 May 13 May 6
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 12, 2022: Music Casserole
Escapism, Forecast
4. Jun 29, 2018: Old fart at Play
Lumi 2
2. Sep 27, 2021: The Best of Everything
5. Jun 15, 2018: Old Fart at Play
3. Jun 29, 2021: Old Fart at Play (rebroadcast from Jun 15, 2018)
6. May 11, 2018: Old Fart at Play

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-04-26
Reviewed: 2018-04-26
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: With a knack for texture and improvisation, as well as a huge capacity to understand form and structure, Estonian pianist Randalu establishes his own depth-charged dramatic stance on his new disc. The work comprises nine rigorously structured originals for trio, combining jazz, avant-garde, classical, and modern composition with a carefully cultivated touch
If You Like:
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Forecast (9:34) – piano starts> slow solo swings into uptempo jam> slows to slow jam> guitar solo builds into midtempo jam> uptempo piano solo> uptempo jam> slow fade
*2/ Lumi 1 (5:09) – piano starts> slow jam washes in in waves> builds to off-kilter midtempo jam> builds to fast tempo> quick stop
3/ Sisu (4:53) – piano starts> slow jam builds to midtempo> piano solo> midtempo jam> fade
*4/ Lumi 2 (3:23) – piano/guitar starts> slow jam> off-kilter piano solo & jam swings uptempo> quick stop
*5/ Escapism (6:08) – drums? start> slow jam with rolling flurries of notes> midtempo off-kilter jam> fade on cymbals
6/ Adaption 1 (3:07) – piano starts> slow jam builds to midtempo & fades
*7/ Adaption 2 (5:55) – spacy start> midtempo space jam> fade
*8/ Party Clouded (5:13) – piano starts> midtempo jam with heavy chords increases in volume & intensity> slows to slow tempo> guitar solo> uptempo piano solo swings to fast tempo> fast jam> rocking uptempo jam> slows to midtempo> quick stop
*9/ Absence (4:48) – piano starts> slow jam> guitar solo> piano solo> fade

Track Listing
1. Forecast   5. Escapism
2. Lumi 1   6. Adaption 1
3. Sisu   7. Adaption 2
4. Lumi 2   8. Partly Clouded
  9. Absence