Lightning Bolt / Lightning Bolt
Album: Lightning Bolt   Collection:General
Artist:Lightning Bolt   Added:Feb 2020
Label:Thrill Jockey Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2020-02-05 Pull Date: 2020-05-20
Week Ending: Mar 15 Mar 8 Feb 23 Feb 16 Feb 9
Airplays: 2 2 2 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 04, 2021: Run-Away-Radio (rebroadcast from Feb 6, 2020)
4. Mar 07, 2020: On The Warpath
Fleeing the Valley of Whirling Knives
2. Mar 12, 2020: The Run-Away Radio show
Fleeing the Valley of Whirling Knives
5. Mar 04, 2020: Brownian Motion
3. Mar 11, 2020: Brownian Motion
Caught Deep in the Zone
6. Feb 20, 2020: Being as an ocean

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2020-02-05
Synth driven Noise rock maximus. This Rhode Island band set a new standard for noise rock 20 years ago by fusing energy of punk with elements of early electro clash and post punk, slathered in noise. But mostly just noise rock. If Merzbow or Controlled Bleeding formed a band with broken synths and amps. This is a rerelease of their first record from 1998 which KZSU does not have.

1) (10:49) live, seemingly looping off kilter thrashy beat, hypnotic as it is disturbing, unwavering in its entirety 2) (3:05) sludgey, ends cold. 3) (3:14) intro with spoken word about “alternative” then just brutal feedback slathered bashing 4)* (10:37) less brutal more driving basic heavy rock, play with Gnod. 5)* (4:04) slow quiet fade in, looped noise, harsh, lovely as a beat emerges

Track Listing
1. Into the Valley   3. Caught Deep in the Zone
2. Murk Hike   4. Fleeing the Valley of Whirling Knives
  5. Mistake