Various Artists / This Is Offensive
Album: This Is Offensive   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Nov 1994
Label:Continuum Records  

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Mason, E. The Many Meanings of Fuck
2. Dean & the Weanies Fuck You
3. Whirling Dervishes Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
4. Quilldridge Mens Choir Asshole
5. Summer Nationals Orgasm Addict
6. Gus & the Snowmen Some Girls
7. Gus & the Snowmen Mcdonalds
8. Mondo Boffo with Scorpio I Wanna Be a Marine
9. Riffel, Jim My True Meeting with the Sh
10. Jodelle Caucasian Guilt Blues
11. Gus and the Snowmen Nra Medley
12. Gus and the Snowmen No Safe Sex Allowed
13. Gus and the Snowmen I Hate People
14. Simon Quiss Experience Short People
15. Gus and the Snowmen God Has Resigned
16. Brother Blanca & the Monks of The Caucasion Guilt Chant