Various Artists / Kids
Album: Kids   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jul 1995
Label:London Records (Modern)  

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 18, 2006: Biff Bang Pow
Natural One
4. Apr 11, 2003: the rust belt
Casper the Friendly Ghost
2. Dec 16, 2005: Biff Bang Pow
Good Morning Captain
5. Nov 13, 2001: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Casper the Friendly Ghost
3. Jul 14, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Casper the Friendly Ghost

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Daniel Johnston Casper
2. Deluxx Folk Implosion Daddy Never Understood
3. Folk Implosion Nothing Gonna Stop
4. Folk Implosion Jenny's Theme
5. Folk Implosion Simean Grove
6. Daniel Johnston Casper the Friendly Ghost
7. Folk Implosion Natural One
8. Sebadoh Spoiled
9. Folk Implosion Crash
10. Folk Implosion Wet Stuff
11. Lo-Down Mad Fright Night
12. Folk Implosion Raise the Bells
13. Slint Good Morning Captain