Various Artists / Skauthentic
Album: Skauthentic   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:May 1996
Label:Steady Beat Recordings  

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. See Spot Cancion De Amor
2. See Spot The First Time
3. Mobtown 24TH Anniversary
4. Dynamics, the Geronimo
5. Los Hooligans Traditions
6. Los Hooligans Swing Right Rudie
7. Let's Go Bowling Oatmeal for Christmas
8. Yeska El Moscoso
9. Joey Altruda & the Buru Jass E They Call Me Mr. Knibbs
10. Mento Buru Skabolero
11. Mento Buru Ain't that Right?
12. King Willy Spanish Fly
13. Kind Willy Dancehall Boy
14. Ocean Eleven Cairo East PT.2
15. Hepcat Thank You
16. Checkmate Womens Penn
17. Checkmate Jericho
18. Unsteady Ode to Mr. Davis
19. Unsteady Kalinda
20. Israelites, the Jezebel