Blonde Redhead / Fake Can Be Just As Good
Album: Fake Can Be Just As Good   Collection:Missing
Artist:Blonde Redhead   Added:Mar 1997
Label:Touch and Go  

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 16, 2006: Anywhere Out of the World
Ego Maniac Kid
3. Dec 04, 2001: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Symphony of Treble
2. Sep 29, 2004: Stirling's Approximation

Album Review
David McWade
Reviewed 2007-02-17
Loosely classified as 'indie rock' (at least on this, their third of six albums as of this review) but textured, sensual in a way, mysterious, intense, and relying heavily on the sexy Asian female singer Kazu Makino (and Italian twin brothers, one of whom sings on about half the tracks). Their best album at that point.

Comparisons to Sonic Youth may or may not have been valid on earlier albums but even if so they shed that comparison completely here. On Touch and Go but not afraid to use any sound at their disposal as well as the guitars. They will on later albums turn into a largely synth-oriented band, but on this one it's more about making sounds that fit in with the guitars, or vice versa, such as the deep bells on 1 and 4.

Rec 4, 7 (also 1,2,8)

1 Loose (?) and fast, male vocals alternating with the guitar bursts
2 Almost funky but not really, mid paced, definitely a song with the proverbial balls, female vocals
3 Ambient part in the mid-late portions of the song, loud guitars after and before, male vocals
4 By far the best track, completely together in its sense of finality and climax, dark, layered verse-chorus structure, I don't know why they call it 'Ego Maniac Kid', female vocals
5 female and male vocals, mid paced, F# minor, ponderous, dissonant, no major changes
6 fast beat, C minor, male, emotional vocals
7 female, intense, almost plaintive in its completeness, pounding bursts at end
8 very energetic, rock your face off, almost surf

Track Listing
1. Kazuality   5. Bipolar
2. Symphony of Treble   6. Pier Paolo
3. Water   7. Oh James
4. Ego Maniac Kid   8. Futurism Vs. Passeism