Various Artists / Etude Du Temps,Premire
Album: Etude Du Temps,Premire   Collection:Deep Storage 109
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Oct 1997

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Porter Acramans
2. Kaleidoscope, the Old Skool
3. Smokin the Fool Mccoys Reel (Hydra Flow
4. Jung Collective, the Ningxia
5. Guido Zen Twelve Eight
6. Beaujolais Effigy
7. Kaleidoscope, the Dawn Flava
8. Easy 'd' Ya Dig
9. One True Dog, the Taste (Hasteless Mix )
10. Smokin the Fool G.I. Blues (Guido Zen Remix
11. Flak Inversions