Various Artists / Electronic Excursions
Album: Electronic Excursions   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jul 1999
Label:The Right Stuff  

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. N/A Prologue
2. Uberzone Hypnotique
3. U-Ziq Lonesome Road
4. Utah Saints Watermelon Man
5. N/A Tutorial
6. Rip-Off Artist Sway
7. Gearwhore, Brian The James Bond Theme
8. Tranquility Bass Jump, Jive, An' Wail
9. Leroy Holmes The Good, the Bad, and the U
10. N/A Tutorial
11. Vibert, Luke Do It Again
12. Omni Trio Seance on a Wet Afternoon
13. Q-Burns Abstract Message Gopher
14. Meat Beat Manifesto Staccato's Theme
15. N/A Epilogue
16. John Buzon Trio, the Caravan