Shankar, Ravi And Yehudi Menuhin / West Meets East, The Historics
Album: West Meets East, The Historics   Collection:World
Artist:Shankar, Ravi And Yehudi Menuhin   Added:Dec 1999
Label:Angel Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 12, 2017: Chai-time
4. Dec 03, 2013: It's Bollywood, It's Hollywood
Prabhati, Raga Ananda Bhairava
2. Nov 22, 2016: It's Bollywood, It's Hollywood
Tenderness, Raga Piloo
5. Aug 07, 2009: "In Your Ear ..." with Bug, bicycle sprints to the road
Twilight Mood
3. May 13, 2014: It's Bollywood, It's Hollywood
6. Apr 27, 2007: Living Souls
Raga Ananda Bhairava

Track Listing
1. Prabhati   4. Dhun
2. Swara-Kakali   5. Raga Ananda Bhairava
3. Raga Piloo   6. Tenderness
  7. Twilight Mood