Ray, Amy / Stag
Album: Stag   Collection:General
Artist:Ray, Amy   Added:Mar 2001
Label:Daemon Records  

Recent Airplay
1. May 02, 2007: Where the Girls Are
Black Heart Today
3. Apr 01, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Johnny Rottentail
2. Jun 12, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Johnny Rottentail
4. Jan 08, 2002: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Johnny Rottentail

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2002-04-12
Amy Ray - Probably best known for being one of the Indigo Girls, here's her latest solo effort. You'll recognize her tough vocals immediately. It's a bit more rock influenced than folky and she gets a lot of help from different bands on this too. Here she plays with The Butchies, Joan Jet, the Rock*A*Teens, and more. All songs are worth a try, but track #1 (playing by herself) is amazing!! My picks: 1, 4, 7, 8
Katie P. 4/12/01

1) Mandolin and vocals. Beautiful bluegrass song. Great lyrics. Midtempo. Ends with her laughing.
2) Slower midtempo with a full backup band and backup vocalists.
3) Starts quiet and picks up to a nice midtempo rockin' song. Odd lyrics on chorus.
4) Fast midtempo that slows down at points. Joan Jet helping her out on guitar and vocals!! Tough sound during verses with ah-ahs during chorus. Buildup for the last 30 sec.
5) Midtempo folky rock with electric guitars. Mellow and quiet.
6) Soft and slow. Sad, ominous feel. Dragging slow midtempo beat.
7) Bouncy midtempo rock. Played with the Rock*A*Teens. Cute song.
8) Midtempo driving rock. Nice breakdown section in the middle.
9) Quiet and sweet. Acoustic guitar and vocals. Whistling about 2/3 through.
10) Dragging midtempo with tough guitar.

Track Listing
1. Johnny Rottentail   6. Measure of Me
2. Laramie   7. Black Heart Today
3. Lucystoners   8. Mtns of Glory
4. Hey Castrator   9. Lazyboy
5. Late Bloom   10. On Your Honor