Hoodoo Kings, the / Hoodoo Kings, the
Album: Hoodoo Kings, the   Collection:Blues
Artist:Hoodoo Kings, the   Added:May 2001

Recent Airplay
1. May 02, 2015: blues witha feelin'
I Am the Hoodoo King
4. Jan 05, 2008: Blues Marathon
Mean and Evil Woman
2. May 27, 2009: public noize racket
I Fought the Law
5. Mar 04, 2003: At the Cafe Bohemian
Big Chief
3. Mar 11, 2009: public noize racket
I Fought the Law

Track Listing
1. I Fought the Law   8. Hard Times
2. Stumble and Fall   9. I Need Your Love So Bad
3. Monkey Business   10. Luberta
4. Mean and Evil Woman   11. Leave It Like It Is
5. If I Don't Be there By Morni   12. Big Chief
6. I've Been Mistreated   13. If I Ever Get Lucky
7. I Am the Hoodoo King   .