Secadora / Little Pieces of Paper
Album: Little Pieces of Paper   Collection:General
Artist:Secadora   Added:Jun 2001
Label:Keiki Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 20, 2018: Old Fart at Play
Make Believe
4. Jul 30, 2002: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
2. Jun 12, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
5. Jul 02, 2002: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
3. May 08, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
6. Mar 19, 2002: Mr. Sparkle Challenge

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2001-08-28
Secadora - This is some really great indie rock/indie pop. Generally it's quiet and sweet with beautifully cute female vocals. Most songs are pretty simple instrumentally but there's enough differences between song styles so it doesn't all sound the same. Anyone wanting to play soft indie rock or poppy music should check this out. All tracks are good. I really liked this. My Picks: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9
Katie P. 7/25/01

1) Soft and slow to start. Airy female vocals. Midtempo song with a nice happy feel. Has a nice build up at the end.
2) Light and bouncy. Uptempo indie pop.
3) Quiet midtempo that picks up volume here and there. Nice harmonies. Sad mood.
4) Solid slow midtempo with sweet vocals. Nice and simple.
5) Dragging slow midtempo with weird effect on the guitar so it sounds a bit like a chainsaw off in the distance. Noodling piano and haunting vocals. Repetitive guitar line. Gets a little heavier with about 1 minute left.
6) Fast midtempo that slowly picks up tempo and volume. Nice builds and falls.
7) Quiet and slow midtempo to start. Picks up volume and tempo a little at times. Chorus effect on vocals. Funny lyrics (she says "oh my god" a lot).
8) Fast midtempo with a nice guitar line. Drums drag just a bit for a nice effect. Lots of guitar layers at times which is great.
9) Kind of spacey with a feeling of floating around. Vocals feel slightly delayed adding to that dreamy feeling. Rocks out in indie rock style between the spacey periods.

Track Listing
1. Tizer   5. Home
2. One Minute Automobile   6. Gelato
3. Static   7. For Goodness Sakes
4. Blanket   8. Bedroom
  9. Make Believe