Various Artists / SOUND01 Big Dada Sampl
Album: SOUND01 Big Dada Sampl   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jul 2001
Label:Ninja Tune  

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 31, 2009: Music Casserole
Motion 5000
4. Jun 26, 2004: Stirling's Approximation
Hero Theme
2. Feb 20, 2008: nag champa orangeasm
5. Nov 13, 2003: Stirling's Solitude
Motion 5000
3. Jan 31, 2005: Stirling's Approximation
6. Sep 19, 2003: Stirling's Approximation
Motion 5000, Hero Theme

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Ty Break the Lock
2. Infesticons, the Hero Theme
3. New Flesh Aracde Terra
4. Ttc Leguman
5. Roots Manuva Motion 5000
6. Gamma Godly Food
7. Cloudhead Apt. a (2)
8. New Flesh Communicate
9. Big Dada Sound Showtime
10. Ttc Subway
11. Roots Maunva F. Blak Twang Skiver's Guide
12. Ty The Nonsense
13. Gamma Slang Teacher
14. Infesticons, the Monkey Theme
15. Juice Aleem & Mike Ladd Freestyle at Xen